
by D.R. Ellis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/8/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 408
ISBN : 9781403358127

About the Book

Spending summer in the country as guardian of her well-behaved nephew and his dog . . . rest and relaxation, swimming... What could be a more perfect situation for a burned-out teacher trying to recuperate from a year in which she was assaulted by a high school student and cheated on by her fiancé?

But a storm is raging the night Signey Sorvino and Bennie Clark arrive at the secluded country home, and their shocking discovery sparks a summer neither could have imagined. Plagued by relentless heat, odd, anonymous deliveries, and uninvited guests – both living and dead – aunt and nephew watch as their serene sanctuary becomes an eerie place – a fish bowl for those who would watch them.

Guilt and fear deepen within Signey, as she realizes she is the catalyst for the vengeful storm that is sweeping through their lives – a force that has shattered her life before.

About the Author

D.R. Ellis was born and raised in southeastern Wisconsin, and has lived in Wyoming, Colorado and California. She received a BA in journalism from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and a BS in special education from the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

She has published in Junior Trails, The Milwaukee Journal, and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Scenic - Drive Handbook.

Her interest in writing developed in her early years, with encouragement from her father, writer/author Mel Ellis.