Higher Heights

by John W. Gibson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/28/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781418443245

About the Book

Higher Heights is the story of Tuskegee Airman Jordan Wingate’s romantic, but dangerous journey from a distinguished World War II fighter pilot to the aircraft industry’s first black engineer. A pioneer of the commercial jet plane in a prop-driven world, Wingate must overcome the skepticism of relatives and friends, the intense racism of time and place (Santa Monica in the early ‘50s), corporate intrigue and betrayal, and romantic relationships with two beautiful women, to blaze his own trail into uncharted territory on the civil rights frontier.

About the Author


John Worthington Gibson was born and raised in “Flytown” (Columbus, Ohio) and attended Central High School. He served six years in the army and was a US Paratrooper stationed in the U.S. and Europe. On completing his tour of duty, he enrolled at Anderson College (Indiana), and completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work with a minor in English. John spent four years as a management trainer with Mc Donnell Douglas Aircraft Company in Long Beach, California and, for the past eleven years, he and his wife have owned Worthington Paper Company in Texas. John is a member of Toastmasters International and has done motivational speaking in educational, civic and government settings.

            John is a multi-talented writer who has written several novels, screenplays, musicals, stage plays and a soap opera for radio. His works have been produced in churches, schools and community theaters and for television and radio in Indianapolis, Sacramento and Northern Texas. His characters grow out of his rich background and often portray the conflicts African-Americans face in attempting to reach a higher plateau economically and spiritually.

A Sparrow Has Wings and Higher Heights are fictional, historical accounts of the Tuskegee Airmen before and after their heroics in WWII and are John’s first two published novels.

            John, his wife and son currently reside in the Dallas, Texas Metroplex.