Parenting Pearls

Gems for the Puzzled Parent

by Verlene McGee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/16/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781403361219

About the Book


Parenting Pearls is mighty in content, simple in format. It is great in ideas, small in size. Informational, inspirational, and sometimes humorous. It is different from any parenting book you have ever read or will ever read. The gems vary in length from one sentence to several paragraphs. Twenty-two years as an educator, fifty years as a parent, ten years of conducting parenting workshops, and extensive research are the resources used to write Parenting Pearls. The smaller gem following each larger gem is simply a fact that needs repeating, or one important enough to stand alone.

No book about parenting can say it all, but this one promises to help you become a more diligent, intelligent, and compassionate parent – most of the time.

Many of us wanted to become parents long before we took the plunge. Perhaps it was our nurturing instinct or because we hoped to produce a little person more beautiful or more talented. Maybe.

If we failed in our efforts to produce, some of us advertised for someone else's newborn, all expenses paid, or if we were rich, rash or desperate enough, we chose surrogate motherhood, the ultimate in carry-out service.

Each of the gems address a different subject. They can help a parent sail the murky waters of parenthood without sinking.

Parenting is exciting, exhausting, and expensive. It is rewarding, challenging, and time consuming. Parenting requires flexibility when advisable, firmness when necessary, and the ability to know when to be flexible and when to be firm. Parenting Pearls will help.

Parenting can bring both incredible joy and unbearable pain. It brings laughter and tears, pride and shame, hugs and discipline, kisses and control. It means sometimes experiencing unpleasant emotions in ourselves or witnessing them in our children.

Although the pronoun, '"he" is used sometimes in the gems, and "she" at other times, the solutions suggested may be used for either sons or daughters. One of the pleasures of parenting is the flexibility that allows us to adjust according to gender.

As you read these gems and use the suggestions, you will be entertained as you investigate the supermarket of solutions. Parenting is the most difficult, demanding and joyful job you will ever love.

About the Author


The author taught first grade in her local school district for five years before becoming a reading specialist. After completing twenty-three years as an educator she began writing a column for her local newspaper as she conducted parenting workshops sponsored by her school district.

Experience as a parent and grandparent was the motivating factor in her decision to write Parenting Pearls. By interviewing parents and grandparents and doing extensive research, a collection of essays were written and pithy statements were compiled based upon what was learned about how parents and their offspring interact.

She and her husband, the Reverend Cephus McGee, a retired prison chaplain, live in Elmira, a small town in Southern New York State. They are visited frequently by their three daughters, two granddaughters, and one grandson who have been taught among other important lessons in life, that when opportunity knocks, ask it to stay for lunch, or in other words, "take advantage of advantages."

Parenting Pearls is a three-year effort that was one of the most exciting works she has ever attempted. The bibliography of the most informative books titled, The Gold Nuggets, is listed in the back of Parenting Pearls. Read. enjoy, learn, laugh, agree or disagree, but read.