Francis, A Pet Spider Monkey

by Katherine Jones



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/27/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781403333131

About the Book

Francis was a real live Ateles Geoffroyi spider monkey shipped to the U.S. in the 1960's from one of the South American rain forests. The baby primate was taken from his mother at about six months of age and sent to a pet shop in Los Angeles where he was purchased by a family with two boys and a pet dog.

The monkey fell in love with the boys, fitted into the family and was named Francis. Raising Francis and meeting the challenges and demands of a spider monkey were many. He was intelligent, mischievous, cunning, and threw his share of tantrums when he couldn't get his way.

Four years later when Francis matured and Lewis grew up, the family loved him and hated to give him up, but they did the kindest thing they could for him, Lewis found him a new home. With heavy hearts, Francis was taken to a local animal farm to live out his life with other spider monkeys.

About the Author

Katherine Jones, a retired administrative secretary, currently resides in the San Fernando Valley with her retired husband, Earl. They have been married 44 years and only have one son, and two adorable grand children. Their oldest son is deceased. He was the one with the pet monkey. Jones grew up in the beautiful San Joaquin Valley. She graduated from Chowchilla Union High School in 1952. She attended business college in Fresno and worked for 30 years as a secretary. Working full time, caring for her family and going to school part the, she graduated in 1986 with a bachelor's degree from California State University at Northridge.

Jones is a published author of How I Over Came Grief, Jerry's Nightmare, and coming soon, Raid at Inchon, a Korean War story. How I Overcame Grief has been advertised with flyers and in two magazines: the July 2001 issue of L.A.'s Whole Life Times, and Becoming Family in the January 2002 issue. She also has a web site ( When Jones is not writing, traveling or collecting music videos, she spends time with her husband and grandchildren.