In a death row cell in The Florida State Prison a surly mass
murderer who mowed down fourteen teenagers and the manager
of a packed fast food restaurant flipped through the pages of a
popular women's magazine. He paused where the fresh-faced
model was selling the perfume, opened the sealed flap to let the
fragrance fill his cell, then tore a hole in her pouting red mouth
and jacked into it.
On the west side of San Francisco Bay a triple axe murderer on
death row in The California State Prison at San Quentin who has
spent his last twelve years and two million of the tax payers'
money piling appeal on appeal receives in his junk mail a
women's magazine. In it is one of those tear open perfume ads
with a smidgen of the smell of the latest offering from a
prominent perfume maker. He inhales the delightful fragrance
deeply lost in the erotic memories it triggers.
Roughly a hundred miles to the east in California's Folsom State
Prison a serial killer who froze his victim's livers then thawed
them out and fed them to his unknowing friends on holidays is in
a holding room in the middle of a discussion with his lawyer
who is writing his eighth nuisance appeal trying to stave off the
inevitable. The lawyer has delivered his client's mail in which is
the latest copy of a popular women's magazine. The prisoner idly
leafs through it while making lewd remarks about each female
picture. At one advertisement he stops, kisses the model's face
then pops open the fly leaf and inhales deeply of the latest
fragrance in the perfume line she is hawking.
Half way across the nation in the Joliet Correctional Center a
poor Chicago boy who turned himself into a nationally
recognized Satanist by sacrificing at least ten runaway children
reclines on his bunk massaging himself as he flips the pages in
the same popular female magazine. One double truck is an
advertisement for the latest exotic fragrance. He tears open the
flap and inhales deeply with great satisfaction.
In The Mountain View Unit Women's Prison in Gatesville,
Texas, the madwoman who carved up her lesbian wife and two
adopted baby daughters and fed them to the disposer is
daydreaming on her bunk as she leafs through the latest issue of
the same popular women's magazine. She pauses at one of those
perfume advertisements, tears open the glued portion and
greedily inhales the luscious fragrance released into the air. She
lays the spine of the book against her pudenda and masturbates
Four Days Later
The madwoman in Gatesville, Texas caught what appeared to be
a common cold. At first her nose began to run copiously, at
which she complained and the unsympathetic guards gave her a
box of tissue. Suddenly she complained of being hot. The female
guard took her temperature that was 101 so the doctor was
informed. It was easier to get the doctor to her than her to the
doctor so the doctor made a house call. But by the time he
arrived the mad women was acting like one, screaming in pain
and coughing mouthfuls of her own blood. Her lungs pulled it in
like a giant sponge and as the doctor worked frantically on her
she drowned.
Florida suffered through an abnormally early cold spell. After
coming back from one of his daily walks the mass murderer
came down with the sniffles. He requested a trip to the infirmary
where the doctor examined him, noted significant chest
congestion and suggested he stay overnight. The mass murderer
took the prescribed medicine but declined saying he wanted to
sleep in his own bed. The guards returned him and put him to
bed where the Doctor's sedative took effect and he went to sleep
immediately. He did not answer morning call and was found
dead in his bed. Autopsy disclosed substantial degeneration of
the lung tissue accompanied by massive hemorrhaging. He had
drowned during the night in his own blood.
The Satanist despised medication and refused help when he
caught a cold. He vowed the Black Angel would cure him and he
plastered himself against the back wall of his cell in his best
imitation of Lucifer standing at the gates of Hell. This lasted
perhaps twenty minutes until the intense, searing pain he was
feeling in his lungs combined with the bloody fleck on his lips
made him scream for human help. Humans were unable to stem
the bloody flood in his lungs and he succumbed under the
Doctor's puzzled eye. Autopsy disclosed he died of drowning in
his own blood.
The axe murderer finished up a new brief for his appeal when he
noticed he had the sniffles. It was annoying because whenever he
lowered his head over his keyboard his nose emptied into the
keys. Suddenly a searing pain roiled through his lungs—a pain
so devastating he couldn't gasp for breath, let alone cry out. His
open mouth sucked air and the air rattled through the free
flowing blood coursing through his alveoli. He vomited blood all
over his word processor and pitched forward into the mess.
When they found him at bed check he had been dead over two
hours, drowned in his own blood.
The serial killer was kept in non-contact isolation simply
because when he got hungry he tended to consider any warm
blooded animal good to eat. He had taken his normal exercise
period and read his mail that included a couple of popular
women's magazines and had retired under the watchful eye of the
guard watching him on the TV monitor. He smoked a gift cigar
and lazily contemplated how good the guard's liver would be
sautéed with purple onions in a sauce made with fresh churned
cow butter. The cigar was a good one and had come in the mail
from one of his many admirers. "Funny how many people
admired a man who could do the unthinkable," he thought. He
got letters all the time asking him how it tasted, some even
wanting his recipes for different parts of the body. 'Some of
those people were crazy though. They wanted to cut up the parts
and burn them on altars. All he wanted was a square meal and he
particularly liked fresh liver.' He finished the cigar, stepped to
the toilet, dropped it in, relieved himself and flushed the John.
As he turned he felt movement in his chest—a definite
movement like something maybe as large as a grapefruit had
shifted position. Suddenly the pain hit him. A searing,
wrenching, burning pain unlike any other he had ever
experienced. It drove him onto his knees in the corner by the
lavatory. He opened his mouth to scream but the pain sucked the
sound back into his throat and buried it in the middle of his chest
in a liquid, gurgling groan. He opened his mouth to suck air
again and blood gushed from his lungs, flowed down his chin,
onto his chest and the floor. He pitched forward into the corner.
Fifteen minutes later the guard, following procedure, sounded
the alarm that signified he had not seen the prisoner for at least
fifteen minutes. They found him next to the john hunched over a
pool of blood, dead—drowned in his own blood.