The Angel of Death has been abroad throughout the land; you may almost hear the beating of his wings.
John Bright (1811-1889)
English radical politician
"A Secret Service Agent killed by Willard," proclaimed Henry Arnold." I warned you not to invade his home," grimly reiterated Henry." He served in two wars."
"Error of judgment," replied Dave." I surmised that he was playing both sides."
"Surmised - you assumed. When you assume you make an ass of yourself."
"He never liked intelligence work - military intelligence requested he work for them after the Gulf War, but he refused."
"That assumption is based on the wrong premise that his loyalty was compromised - no!"
"I realize that my assumption was incorrectly surmised." Your thinking is flawed, given that assumptions are made only to prove or disprove a hypothesis, not generate a conclusion," proclaimed Henry with scientific knowledge based on his training in psychological research.
"I realize my jealousy concerning Addie may have confused my thinking," Dave added thoughtfully.
"Don't make the motive for our work be personal revenge."
"Willard killed her in self-defense," concluded Dave who noticeably felt relieved considering he was attempting to clear his friend Willard from the manslaughter charge. His boss Henry apparently agreed with him.
"Her termination will be considered killed while providing for the safety of the North American continent," officiously stated Henry with grim expression.
Henry left David's office with a flourish consistent with his position as head of Secret Service for the U.S.A.
David noticed a rainbow come through the clouds maybe a foretelling of better times for Willard and Addie. Realizing his commitment to their security and his unshakable confidence in democracy.
Willard met Addie at Orlando International Airport on a cloudy and muggy day. The kissed at the gate and walked like a married couple to his parked car in the open parking area. Driving to his house Willard said "I’m waiting for you before I blow up the agency."
"Great given the information I have from Washington!"
"What information?"
"I have a connection there who told me about the terrorist activities."