Healing Earths: The Third Leg of Medicine

A History of Minerals in Medicine

by W. Rudolph Reinbacher



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/10/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 260
ISBN : 9781403350961

About the Book

No attempt to write an encompassing history of minerals in medicine has been made in modern times. Minerals, even today a major source of pharmaceuticals, have always lagged in recognition behind medicines from plants and from animals. This book traces the history of "earths" used for curing illnesses from thousands of years before the Christian era to today.

It was 100 years ago that a German physician used white clay to conquer cholera, as frightening a scourge of humankind as pestilence. The book describes the early trials, tests on wounds and with severe gastrointestinal complaints. The book then approaches history of geophagy, eating of earth, as a human habit and discusses medicinal earths in antiquity in China, India, Egypt, the Fertile Crescent and Europe. Following a discussion of medical stones, mostly amulets, the history of healing earths continues through late antiquity and the Middle Ages.

After describing alum and clay earths in commercial use, the narrative of healing earths enters into the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century. About forty rare illustrations trace the use of earths in medicine. The most famous medicinal earth, Terra sigillata, is explored in an annotated text of a sixteenth century document.

About the Author

Rudy Reinbacher was born and educated in Germany. He graduated as a diplomat in economics and in business administration. He speaks and reads several languages and has traveled worldwide for research.

This book about minerals for healing since the dawn of humankind is a unique effort. Because of the quality of research, several private, public, and university libraries consented to his use of rare illustrations from the twelfth, sixteenth, and eighteenth century for this book dealing exclusively with healing earths

Rudy and his wife live in Northern California since 1964. The proximity to Stanford University facilitates his research. His first book was a biography, in German, about a professor of medicine near Hamburg who wrote about the cave medicine "moonmilk".