Growing Up Isn't All Fishing and Hunting

by Leon 'Buckshot' Anderson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/28/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781410703828

About the Book

Northern Wisconsin, like all rural areas, was a very challenging place to make a living during America's long, drawn out economic depression, which began in 1929. Although our history books tell us when the Great Depression began, few historians mention the fact that for much of rural America; economic hard times lasted well into the late 1950's. For children born and raised during these difficult times, helping their families survive was simply part of growing up. Most youngsters accepted chores, hard work, and daily routines as a way of life. After all, everyone seemed to be in the same economically depressed condition.

Everyone has cherished memories of their youth tucked in the recesses of their memories. Leon "Buckshot" Anderson has taken the time to move many of his youthful childhood adventures from the seclusion of his mind to the printed page. Adventures that will awaken similar memories for millions of persons who grew up or are now growing up in rural America.

Anyone who loves the out of doors, and is willing to let Mother Nature be a teacher, will adore the warm, wonderful adventures which are shared by the author. For everyone who has camped, fished or hunted, you will thoroughly enjoy remembering that "Growing Up Isn't ALL Fishing and Hunting".

About the Author

Being born and raised during the toughest of times created by the Great Depression, subsisting in rural America challenged millions of its citizens. "Buckshot" and his family, using innovative skills and hard work, survived. And they grew stronger because of the challenge. "Dad" and "Mom" Anderson allowed their only child to become a partner in helping to keep the wolf away from their cabin door. The lessons he learned helped him finish college and serve 36 distinguished years in public education. In addition, his summer job guiding fishermen, has earned him an induction into the National Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame as a "Legendary Guide". But during his formative years he learned, "Growing up isn't ALL Fishing and Hunting".