The Powers That Are
Book Details
About the Book
This book is written to give the readers a deep look at the modern American home, school, and religion. It is more or less restricted to America with the first two, home and education, but religion is not tied to these boundaries of the United States. These three institutions I feel need someone to come forward and lay it on the line. We have already lost a generation plus in our homes and schools by not being responsible citizens. We have chosen to ‘stick our heads in the sand’, and go into denial, rather than to upset the status quo with intelligent action. To continue along this path will lead to our total demise as a country, society, and culture. I suspect that this end is on a near horizon unless we join together and have the strength and courage to initiate and mandate constructive changes within our homes and schools. The religious section is the lengthiest of the three units. It is the one that carried such a magnitude of influence on the other two, education and the home. Of course, it addresses itself in its own right as well. In view of this, I take the approach that one needs to consider the obvious. This is that religion is not God nor is God religion. Religion is manmade and God is not! In fact, God is not of the religious world but rather the spiritual. If you can relate to this concept at all, I think that you will find information within this book that will provide you with some fruit for thought. For you to gain the most, however, will require you to also engage your own personal individual creativeness. I think then you will see the art of life unfold unto you as was so intended by all of us and ‘our creator.’ These are areas of this book that can be taken offensively by certain groups, such as single mothers, or schools, our community entertainment centers. Members of that profession, which leans toward those with special interests and being politically correct. This book may also offend the legal profession. This book tries to expose accurately the United States Supreme Court, which through case law and legal precedents, seems to have run roughshod over the populace. With religion, especially the Jewish, some may be offended. I have tried to address the more severe areas of concern as they relate to us as humans and the damage that they, religions, have done. Perhaps I have focused on the Jewish more than the other religions. I hope they do not take this personally. I do feel that due to our own Christian heritage, with Jewish ancestry being the prominent group in the United States, I can more readily address the plight of this relationship. It has evolved through the ages until this date. Look at what this has produced in America during these times. Are you satisfied with these results or do you think addressing change is overdue? Mainly, I see wherein for eons of time that the Jews have been told that they are God’s chosen people. Of course, they through the ages have eagerly accepted this position. This in itself separates them from the rest of us Gentiles, etc. We will take another look at this. There are also several other confronting issues that merit our mature, responsible consideration today, especially the Middle East Crisis involving Israel and Palestine, and indirectly, the United States, who can not or will not seem to sever their dependency upon their Judaic heritage that still controls our Christian nation. I will enjoy your spiritual company as you read this book. Let’s all of us work together toward the "God of Love" and His design for us to become one with Him.
About the Author
Darrell Dean Smithers is a licensed mental health therapist in southeastern Oklahoma. Mr. Smithers obtained his associate’s art degree from Murray State Junior College. Having received both his baccalaureate and master’s degrees in education in guidance and counseling from Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Mr. Smithers is completely qualified to make professional observations in regards to the educational system, as well as the severity of its need for reform. After obtaining his master’s degree he attended Oklahoma State University to obtain his Postgraduate clinicals in psychology, he took certification requirements in individual personality evaluations and standardized testing from the University of Minnesota and their College of Continuing Education and Professional Development. Mr. Smithers is also a retired teacher and guidance counselor in the public school system. His other professional experiences include mental health evaluations, therapy with families and children, and a history as a full-time professional employee with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, part time work in the Federal correctional system, full time counselor/administrator in a regional college and an industrial analyst/personnel director in corporate America. His work experience in mental health includes full time licensed therapist in psychiatric hospitals, public mental health clinics, and private practice. He is currently engaged in private practice as a mental health practitioner and is a certified expert witness for state and federal court systems. He supervises LPC candidates for licensure requirements, and is an active bailbondsman on a part-time basis. Mr. Smithers is a divorced man with one grown son and two step-grandchildren. Mr. Smithers has lived happily, being single, in a 1968 two-bedroom trailer house in the same trailer park for the past ten years. Mr. Smithers sees this book as his way of giving back to the America he loves, and the many blessings he has received from the former students and patients that he has worked with throughout his career, as well as the taxpayer that made his education possible. This is my personal opinion and my observation, based on my acquaintance with Darrell Dean Smithers. Sincerely, Carmen Daleen Ayers-Cavender