The Hell Riders

by Kenneth W. Dahse



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/7/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781403377234

About the Book

Jake is the leader of an outlaw gang of ex-Civil War soldiers who have robbed and murdered their way across the Southwest. Jake has grown weary of the bedlam of his brutal life, but he sees no way to leave it.

After the gang is decimated in a bloody train robbery, Jake, his brother Blue, and two long-time gang members head for the haven of Mexico. Blue is sickened by all the bloodshed and leaves the wounded gang members to start a new life on his own.

Jake and his men enter Mexico. On the trail they meet Ricardo Sanchez, a rich and corrupt landowner. Sanchez allows his hacienda to be used as a sanctuary for American outlaws who pay for the privilege. He offers the same deal to Jake.

Along with his gunmen, Sanchez is traveling with two captive Indian women. Willow and Pine are sisters who must serve Sanchez’s every need. Jake is mesmerized by Willow’s bright, bronze beauty. When Willow secretively smiles at Jake, he decides to accept Sanchez’s offer to travel to the hacienda.

Little does Jake realize this one decision will alter his life forever. He has started a sequence of events that will set the prairies aflame with the bloody, fiery fierceness of clashing hell riders.

About the Author

            Kenneth W. Dahse has loved westerns since he was a child. He has motorcycled, hiked, and camped throughout much of the American West. His first book, RVING AMERICA’S BACKBOARDS: NEW YORK, was published by Trailer Life Books, Agoura, California.

            Kenneth also writes for numerous magazines. His articles and photographs have been published by American Legion Magazine, New Jersey Outdoors, New York Alive, Trailer Life, Motorhome, Family Motor Coaching, Motorcycle Tour and Cruiser, and Rider, among others.

            He is a professional member of the National Writers Association, and is listed in MARQUIS WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA 2000. Kenneth earned BA and MA degrees from Montclair State University in New Jersey and teaches at the high school and college levels.

            Correspondence for the Author should be addressed to:
            Kenneth W. Dahse
            P.O. Box 221
            Hewitt, New Jersey 07421