Life's Elusive Wisdoms

A Guide to Getting Life Back in Focus

by M. W. Niles



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/29/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781403386205

About the Book

Life’s Elusive Wisdoms provides fresh perspectives on everyday challenges such as problems, conflicts, miseries, failures, frustrations, and the unpleasant situations that we find ourselves in during our lives. Most are caused by our own perception of the way we view the world and people around us, thus affecting the decisions on how we respond and cope with them.

Offering insightful pointers from the awkward teen years on to the complicated adult entanglements. From the simple day-to-day choices to the life changing ones.

This unique book has assembled over one hundred simple, well thought out guidelines to help as a road map to avoid some of the potholes in the road of life.

To help change the way you see life in the first place and simply leave the baggage behind and have a smoother path all together.

Enabling you to change the way you interact with people and situations and how they interact and perceive you in turn.

Offering rare, simple insight into you and the people around you. A must-read for whoever wanted to understand themselves and others better.

About the Author

Michael takes a simple, strait forward approach to solving life’s problems.

Often proud to say "I don’t follow modern psycho babble"

He has dedicated his life to studying the human condition and studied many different philosophies and religions. Michael is a true student of people. He has a natural gift for seeing directly into the root of the issue.

If you're looking for a guidebook to help ease you through some troubling moments, then Life’s Elusive Wisdoms gives you over a hundred tips on how to bring your life back into focus.