Professor Terwilliger and Tim - The Sun Car

by Cal Patterson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/2/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781403392862

About the Book

Have you ever been slowed or stalled in traffic and wished you could simply pull back on your steering wheel and have your car soar up and away, free and easy, leaving all the hassle behind ?

That’s just what Professor Terwilliger and Tim do when they get trapped in traffic on Interstate 80 south of Chicago!

Join them as they experience adventure and travel first in the Sun Car and later in an adaptation of the Sun Car known as the Skimmer. Building on the brilliant scientific breakthroughs of Professor Terwilliger, he and Tim take the first truly efficient electrically powered car, the Sun Car, on what they call the Grand Tour in 2001. However, there are those who are threatened by the new technology. They intervene and, to say the least, bring excitement to the story.

Then, four years later, backed by the formidable resources of Tim’s family and associates, and as a result of further scientific discovery, the professor and his protégé Tim Hale test drive the Skimmer, the first car to be powered successfully by an anti-gravity device.

Here is a story of creativity and adventure, of a future that might be, for teens and other young readers of all ages.

About the Author

Cal Patterson is a classic "snowbird"; summers in Michigan and winters in Florida. And, he now has time to turn to writing novels, a dream he has had for years.

Since his high school and college years, Cal has continued to write both professionally and for pleasure. In high school he won awards for excellence in writing and was editor of the school newspaper. While at the University of Michigan he worked on the Michigan Daily.

His career included three years in the Air Force, thirty in the telephone industry and ten as executive director of a private foundation. In the Air Force he was a pilot in an air refueling squadron of the Strategic Air Command. During his years in the telephone industry he worked for Northwestern Bell in Iowa and Michigan Bell in the Detroit area. He held a variety of management positions in operations and ultimately in public relations. He managed the employee and public information program at one time for Northwestern Bell in Iowa. And, one of the assignments in public relations with Michigan Bell was to manage the corporate contributions program. This led to the opportunity to retire from the telephone business and move to the McGregor Fund, a private foundation in Detroit.

He draws on his writing skills and this lifetime of experiences for the settings and circumstances that are included in the novel about Professor Terwilliger and Tim and the professor’s inventions, the "Sun Car" and the "Skimmer."