What is truth?
This is the question that Pontius Pilot asked Jesus accusers. In this case it was Jesus' truth against
his accusers truth. The dictionary defines truth, "As a quality of being according to fact." In the
field of theology, truth is a quality of being according to doctrine.
One simple way to determine whether a fact, an idea, a concept or doctrine is true, is to measure it
against the qualities of truth. These are in part, constant, eternal, immutable, incontrovertible,
consistent, and indisputably verifiable. If that what is being measured does not meet these simple
attributes, then its falsity is exposed.
Today, there is so much diversity in Christian ministries as to the true theology of Jesus, that the
simple test for truth needs to be applied to all religious beliefs. If it is assumed that God and truth
are one, then one important characteristic of truth is that it is not subject to contradiction nor
change. Consequently, any view of God depicted with contradictory or changing qualities of
character, such as changing from spirit to matter, cannot be the true view of God.
The Inquisition in Europe during the 14th century is an example how minorities can suffer torture
and death by a majority that were misled by religious leaders who believed in a fantasy not
supported by truth. Now, seven centuries later, has there been a radical change in theological
Are we not seeing history repeating itself again here in the United States? Ask Reverend Pat
Robertson or Reverend Falwell or hundreds of ministers of the Christian Right, if they believe in
witches or in the reality of witchcraft. The answer will be a resounding, "no." In fact they may
condemn witchcraft as a myth or a cult. Yet, isn't possible that future generations may do the
same with today's belief in Creationism, Heaven, Hell and Satan? They all contain the same
qualities of myth as witchcraft.
In the meantime, there is a real concern that there are religious zealots who sir up mob mentality
to commit acts of violence against any person or group with opposing ideas to these Christian
myths. For example, can anyone prove that God condones killing doctors who perform
abortions? The religious beliefs against abortions and banning the use of contraceptives would
deny a woman's right of choice and the sexual freedom enjoyed by men. These beliefs are
promulgated by the Christian Right in defiance to a world crisis in the over population of
unwanted children.
If a married couple's expression of love results in an unwanted pregnancy that they cannot afford,
as citizens of the United States, they have the inalienable right to privacy, personal freedom, and
the right to have an abortion without the interference of a third party's religious belief. This
includes the freedom to have or not to have a religion.
The pro-life, pro-choice argument in the United States is another example of the divisive nature
of a religious belief that cannot meet the test of truth. But this argument can polarize a nation
and cause physical violence among its people. It is amazing that the pro-life advocates do not
realize that they are promulgating a strictly religious concept on the pro-choice segment of the
body politic. Their complete disregard for the life of the child once they have forced a woman to
bring a pregnancy to fruition, displays the hypocrisy of the pro-life advocates. Do they provide
food, care and education for those children they force into life? NO! Many third world children
die of starvation in view of the church that forced them into childhood.
These are dangerous times for free thinking people. There needs to be a strong vociferous stand
for the truth. For every single truth there are hundreds of possible errors, or lies, relating to that
truth. The source of those errors is ignorance. Isn't giving reality to, or personifying that
ignorance in the form of Satan compounding ignorance with stupidity? Has any human being
proved that the original source of evil or a lie is confined to one single entity called Satan. If
there ever was a powerful Satan, why doesn't he have the power to protect the lie from the truth?
The lie which is an attribute of Satan, will always self-destruct when faced with the truth. The
whole of Satan is the sum of his evil attributes. The destruction of one attributes is enough to
destroy the whole, because the whole is always the sum of its parts. Isn't it logical that any entity
that cannot resist self-destruction for any reason has no power of action nor ability to exist.
Truth is such a powerful entity that it is defined as an attribute of God. When a lie, a mistake, any
type of error, fraud, or a misbehavior comes up against the truth, it self-destructs. The truth may
be perverted or covered up, but it cannot be destroyed, nor changed from being truth.