Seducing the Burks

Five Erotic Tales

by Cardyn Brooks



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/14/2003

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781410709547
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781410709554

About the Book

Professional success at work, sensual congress at play, the Burk brothers are men with insatiable appetites for the women they desire. Their sister’s ambition and passion are equally strong. These siblings devote their energies to satisfying their lovers’ bodies with erotic creativity, but the devotion of their hearts is more challenging to claim. Who will lure the hearts of these modern warriors to love?

About the Author

Cardyn Brooks is a bibliophile with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. Her constant search for engaging erotic fiction that features non-stereotypical characters with voracious sensual appetites inspired her to write stories she desired to read—stories about adults as powerful sexual beings who pursue their sensual needs while juggling the demands of home, work, family, and friends.

She lives on the east coast of the United States with her family.