Sean O'Meara and the Ring of Murdrun




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/3/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 444
ISBN : 9781410708397

About the Book

This book of fantasy is about a crippled Irish lad of sixteen, who finds a magic emerald belonging to the Great Lord Murdrun. As compensation for its return, the Great Lord promises a cure to Sean’s infirmities. Shortly after the return of the gem he meets a beautiful fairy princess who asks him to accompany her to the land of McCush for the purpose of aiding her father, the good King of McCush, in the defeat of the evil King of McDonnaland.

Once in the land of McCush, Sean becomes strong and healthy and, with the aid of the good King’s high council, learns how to have his spirit leave his body and travel anywhere.

Sean eventually defeats the evil king and marries the princess.

Complications arise and Sean is snapped back to his own dimension at the exact time he left. Thinking that his visit to McCush had been only a dream, Sean fmds around his neck an amulet that had been given to him by the King.

Unable to return to McCush during his lifetime, Sean spends the rest of his life in solitude, until the day he dies, when he is returned to McCush.

About the Author

A fledgling writer without formal training in the art of composition or English grammar, this author hopes potential readers will forgive his lack of bragging rights by accepting his use of average, everyday words and following the interesting trail of the principal subject to its conclusion. The author is a retired eighty year-old man suffering from Parkinson’s disease, whose venture into the field of writing was accidental. His writing career started circa 1995, and his first book, ‘The Montana Kid,’ was published in 2001. He hopes you find as much enjoyment reading this book as he found in writing it.