Where Only Eagles Dare To Fly

by Carol J. Sale



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/19/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9781410714015
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9781410714008

About the Book

The turmoil within the world, as well as within oneself, the storms both within and without, can be checked and brought to a calm before they rage out of control, set on a path of destruction. Prejudice is a storm of life that can be overcome by reminding ourselves that individualism is a God-given right to be set apart, to be different. We must learn to look for the "good salt" in others, to see their spirit. With courage, boldness, a keen hindsight, like our brother; the eagle, we can overcome; lifting ourselves above adversity to soar Where Only Eagles Dare to Fly!

Amelia Malone is a divorced, middle-aged woman, who has lived her life in a sheltered corner of the world in rural America. With her children now grown, she has plenty of time to follow the innate desire to search out the roots of her Indian ancestry. Though she has never experienced prejudice, or violence, other than thru the windows of television or newspapers, they both will now come to rest on her as she steps out of her norm into reality. It is there she finds her greatest enemy, herself.

Amelia moves to the city where she is plagued by the presence of an evil spirit and encounters a young Indian man whose been sent on a vision quest by spirits’ of tribal elders past. Showing up unexpected on her camping trip allows him the opportunity to save her from smorgasbord for a mountain lion. With the developing of their friendship, Amelia learns she is a valuable component in his vision being fulfilled, A vision of a legend that eyes of Indians of many generations past have waited to see fulfilled. After she’s been presented with a sacred eagle claw necklace from the spirit of an elderly Indian woman, and she and her new friend find themselves adorned with identical ceremonial chokers, they part, not knowing when they’ll meet again.

Amelia is afforded a chance to go west to watch a western filmed that she’s been corresponding with. On the train journey she must overcome prejudice when she befriends a Mexican that a rich white woman tells her to beware of cause he has a black eye and a yet open gash on his lip. She faces prejudice again when she befriends a full-blooded Indian who at first pierces her thru with fiery darts as he glares at her and calls her the ‘average white woman.’ They quickly overcome the wall of prejudice and find their destination is one and the same; as he is an actor in the western she’s to watch filmed. That week she finds herself caught up in the Legend of Great Bear, trying to overcome her Great Bear within, her insecurities, and her Great Bear without, a bold-legged cowpoke who has vowed to have her. At the ranch she comes across the Indian she’d encountered in the city and finds he is best friends with her new Indian friend from the train. They find themselves at odds over her as she spends her week scaling Eagle Rock, saving her friends from two kinds of serpents, a knife throwing renegade and a rattlesnake, and helping the ranch owner overcome a 30- year vengeance he’s had against his best friend over a woman they had both loved. She helps her Indian friend, who had save her life, overcome a false sense of pride, helps him accept the truth about his real father so he won’t take his own life, comforts a friend the cowpoke attempted to rape when he thought it was Amelia in Amelia’s bed, persuades an adversary to allow Crystal Creek Waterfall to be used to authenticate a scene, brings out the hidden truth about Indian people, discovers unsought love and finds her destiny Where Only Eagles Dare to Fly.

I love to write, though writing this book wasn’t planned, but rather inspired. I have a voice and was told a truth needed to unfold that many generations past have waited and needed to hear about the Indian people.

About the Author

Carol, being raised in rural Missouri, has always had a deep respect and love for horses. Naturally, many of her favorite television shows have been westerns, or at least their filming location has been in the country. While in Composition class in 1989, Carol chose as her assignment, to research good television shows and why they don’t last. The Young Riders sitcom had just begun, as did Carol’s adventure. After three years of corresponding with Bob Shelton, the owner at that time of Old Tucson, as well as with the stars of the show, Carol was blessed with the opportunity to be a guest extra for five days on "The Young Riders" show, She traveled to Tucson for what she considered the opportunity of a lifetime. This adventure, coupled with the fact that she had been researching her Indian heritage for many years, brought forth Where Only Eagles Dare To Fly!