To the casual observer of the Middle East conflict, the issues may seem to be political, emotional and historic in nature. Hence, political solutions, it is believed, can and must be found to achieve peace and satisfy the legitimate rights of all concerned. Unfortunately, such honest quest for equitable solutions have been, up to the recent peace process, most elusive in nature, and so far, only partly attainable.
To those who peer more deeply into this millennia-old saga of blood, sweat and tears, between peoples of common ancestry, the tragic reality of the usual family squabble springs to mind. Some outside onlookers may be tempted to appeal to the common remedy in all families – love. It can solve all family feuds, they may claim. But alas, love has not been the mutual fuel flowing in the passionate and fiery veins of the warring family members. Until the recent peace process, hatred, animosity, distrust and the spirit of non-compromise have been mostly, instead, fueling the stormy engines of those made brothers against their will.
It is obvious that simple political solutions cannot, ultimately, unravel this complex state of affairs. The present “peace process” may be partially successful, at least for awhile, but it is most doubtful that family love will ever spring up in the hate-filled fountains of the ancient lands. The present, partial, Middle East peace agreements between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, as well as the half hearted attempts of “peace talks” with the Palestinians, are but temporary in nature.
Yet, there is another dimension that is often overlooked. It is an area far beyond the scope of man to control or influence. It is in this dimension that the true roots of the Middle East conflict do lie. It is in this elusive realm that the warring sides can find a ray of hope. Here, in this ignored realm of hope and sure promise, they can uncover the genuine causes and perfect solutions to their most painful and intricate web of political impasse and family strains. Only the most astute observers know the mysterious threads that have woven, for millennia, the tapestry of the Middle Eastern scenario. It is in this dimension only that both Jews and Arabs, Westerners and other involved nations, can find all the pieces of the puzzle and solutions to the Middle East enigma. The road to a genuine lasting peace and brotherhood for all is not a mirage.
What is this most ignored dimension that has eluded all sides in the past four millenniums? In the pages of this book the author intends to unfold the mysterious and hidden story that triggered the painful birth, literally, of the Middle Eastern quagmire. The bloody trail of the mysterious twins, who sprang out of one womb to scorch their future inheritance with flames of fire and torment, will be traced thoroughly to its future happy ending. All the unpleasant causes, sour effects and final solutions will unfold for all who have open and receptive minds and hearts.
No mere mortal man could fathom such a fiction-like scenario. No great mind or heart could have devised and choreographed the fascinating, though tragic, scenes soon to be unfolded in the following pages before your eyes. Yet at times, it must be admitted: truth may be more strange than fiction. The truth you are about to read may be, at times, unpleasant, hard to believe, infuriating, and objectionable – depending on your orientation and objectivity. Yet truth can’t be fabricated, altered or shoved aside. It will always be there, regardless of how we feel about it. If you are genuinely interested in finding out the “final solution” to the Middle East crisis, fasten your eyes on the following pages. Read of its roots, unpleasant dark scenes, and trace its final route to its happy ending. Just keep traveling along until you reach the final stone at the end of the trail.
As you read on, you’ll discover the following sobering reality: Both Jews and Arabs, as well as other nations, have been fighting the wrong enemy. Those who sided with either faction have been equally ignorant of the true nature and elements that created this ever-explosive time-bomb. Many have proposed inferior solutions, partial peace plans, and-at-times attempts were and are made to enforce them. Therefore, the soon-coming tragic events, though not final results, are inevitable. The time-bomb is slated to explode – regardless of the seemingly partially “successful” peace-process. Temporarily, all sides will be adversely affected. Yet the final solution will ultimately erase every negative trace of this four-thousand-year bloody saga of war, blood, tears, and death. The missing dimension in the Middle East equation is about to unfold before your eyes – from its fiery beginning and mysterious struggle, to its flowing streams of quite and peaceful waters. This dimension will pave the road, one rocky stone at a time, to its final destination and utopian solution.
You’ll quickly find out that the true nature and causes of the Middle East conflict are not political, cultural, or military in nature. Hence, a forced political or military solution cannot transform a war-ravaged and blood-soaked land into a peaceful, blossoming landscape. Therefore, all honest and sincere attempts to reach peace accords with either side are ultimately doomed to failure.
Mainly, the Middle East crisis is a family squabble whose members seem to have forgotten who they really are and who is their patriarch. Yet, a family remedy is not enough.