Hudson Man

A Novel

by Larry W. Ragan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/28/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 544
ISBN : 9781410743428

About the Book

When Ginger Salter’s struggling New York ad agency gets a shot at landing one of the country’s largest fashion accounts, Hudson Designs, she comes up with a winning campaign.  One that depends on finding the perfect male model: an unknown with a box-office face that says “Old Money” and eyes that shout, “Stella!”

With a presentation deadline fast approaching, Ginger gets a lead on the one-in-a-million man who can save her financial bacon, but there’s a problem.  She has nothing but a snapshot, and the location of the riverside bar in Alabama where it was taken, to help her find the Hudson Man.  Ginger’s trip to the deep South in search of her knight in shining armor takes her on an odyssey that changes her life forever--in just five days.

About the Author

Hudson Man is Larry Ragan's first novel.

His play, Audit, won the Silver Stage award at the 2002 New Voices Festival sponsored by the Old Opera House Theatre in Charles Town, West Virginia.  He is a former writer-in-residence for the Vermont Council on the Arts and a graduate of the University of Vermont.

Ragan is currently News Director at Birmingham's CBS affiliate.

Photo Credit: Bill Whetstone