All Kinds of Heroes

plus The Buddy Book - Home at Last

by Carol Kern



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/25/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 378
ISBN : 9781410743602

About the Book

All Kinds of Heroes concerns a near-future event that most experts believe is highly probable.

When a genius hacker / terrorist / would – be hero creates a program to shut down all electrical and communication systems across North America on January 1, 2005, Ruth Kingsley, a grandmother living on a farm in Nova Scotia, “sees” it happen several years before the event and uses the time to get prepared.  She gathers her family together for the holidays for their safety, but when the lights go out they all realize they will not be safe unless they ensure the safety of everyone around them.

They develop a survival plan that has a ripple effect throughout the area as everyone is thrust instantly into a bitterly cold world where money and power become meaningless, and warmth and food become everything.  People they would otherwise never have known take refuge on the farm, bringing with them problems that require a unique brand of justice, along with a series of events that threaten everyone’s safety.  Elements of fear and tragedy, joy and camaraderie, combined with the minutiae of farm life, create a lasting bond that would never have happened if the lights hadn’t gone out.


The Buddy Book    Home At Last

The Kingsley’s dog tells the story of how he came to live on the farm.

About the Author

Carol Kern is an American who moved to Nova Scotia 25 years ago to experience a different lifestyle.  She lives on a farm in the beautiful Annapolis Valley with her husband and son, where they raise purebred Hereford cattle.

A prolific writer, she has published well over 200 articles, essays and editorials in regional and national agriculture and tourism magazines over the past 20 years, as well as writing scripts and developing characters for a local Theme Park, and writing, producing and directing several “young players” productions for the local theater.

All Kinds of Heroes is her first novel, for which she “deeded” her farm, animals and some of her experiences to the characters in the book.