A Love Not Forgotten

by Kathleen W. Taylor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/19/2007

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9781418451714
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9781418451721

About the Book

Kelsey Lanier had never given much thought to marriage until she was given an ultimatum. Chose a husband or have one chosen for her. Neither truly appealed to her until Brandt Alexander, a handsome sea captain just returned to the port of Charleston, re-entered her life. He was everything a young girl could want as a husband. But as Kelsey would soon realize, he had no intention of marrying. Brandt Alexander had always reveled in the freedom of his life at sea. Nothing tied him to the land, and nothing ever would. But he had not counted on falling under the spell of the winsome Kelsey Lanier and soon found that he had developed feelings for her that he could not deny. But an accident would force him to return to sea just as they realize the extent of their love for one another. Vowing they would marry upon his return, neither could know of the circumstances that led to a betrayal that would indeed force Kelsey into the marriage chosen for her. But as one unfortunate event had torn them apart, another would bring them together again and tempt them to remember a love not forgotten.

About the Author

Kathleen Taylor began writing as a child.  She started writing short plays and later poetry, something she has in common with her grandmother.  It was her grandmother who gave her the first historical romance she ever read, and so began her love of the genre.  After years of reading her favorite authors, a friend encouraged her to start writing one of her own.  She writes from her home in Alabama.  She is married to her high school sweetheart and they have two children.  Her next novel is already in progress.