Fastoshi: Chronicles

Volume One of the Empire of the Race

by Walter D. Reimer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/24/2003

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9781410783806
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9781410783790

About the Book

This book, as its title implies, is a chronicle.  After a long and costly war, the guns are silent, and the victorious humans send one of their own into unknown territory to conclude a peace.

Chronicles tells the story of Tomas Mortimer, unwilling Ambassador to the Kashlan Empire.  It tells of his impressions and feelings as he becomes the first human to walk on the home world of Terra’s enemies, and his growing sense of wonder – and trust.

It is also the story of the Race, the Kashlani, from their earliest beginnings and their rich store of myths, to their unification as an Empire and their eventual encounters with Humanity.

Over the past 24 years the author has sought to bring to life an alien culture; their language, history, beliefs and customs, and has tried to convey some of the wonder Ambassador Mortimer felt – along with his misgivings.

About the Author

Walter Reimer was born in New Jersey and educated in Florida.  He started writing The Empire of the Race shortly after graduating high school in 1979, and now feels that the work is ready to be seen by eyes other than those of his family and friends.

Mr. Reimer has written fictional pieces for local college magazines and has had several short stories published on the World Wide Web under a pseudonym.  The other two volumes of The Empire of the Race will be published as soon as he considers them ready.

He currently lives in Florida with his wife of three years, and describes himself as a man who ‘grows old while always learning.’