The Love Letter to the Black Woman

The Testament

by Antonio Gellino Richburg



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/26/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781410759719

About the Book

This is a book that everyone should read.  It's about remembering the love  that has sustain the African American people.  From the time we meet, to the time of marriage and for the building of the family, to the shaping of a community.  Up to a brilliant stature that's only found in the promised land of our hearts.

This is a work of universal art that's added to the African American treasure.  The sacred love that's found on these pages well last forever in the hearts of the African American woman. "The love letter to the black woman", well stand it's Ground and walk it's own Earth.

About the Author

When God uses man as a typewriter, what could be said?  What type of words would be used?

Antonio G. Richburg is a native of Washington D. C.  Antonio started writing in high school for his English class, teacher graded his speech as “perfect” and he was asked to speak before the class.  He started writing poetry and love letters later that year and “short stories” later follow.

Over the years he’s transformed his style of writing love letters into something special.  Education is an area that’s written about many times in his works.  Antonio dream for many years of placing his style of poetry and love letters and other works in a book, and now hear it is: