Turn of the Jubilee Year

A Conversion Song in Two Parts- I. Christmas in Medugorje 2000! II. Five Days in the Desert and a Third: Morning

by James H. Kurt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/5/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781418439170
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781414015217

About the Book

Here is the account of a soul in search of the Lord, in search of his call, a call which has always been with him: a writer, a hermit in the midst of the city… a heart at rest in the arms of Jesus and His Blessed Mother.

By way of pilgrimage to Medugorje at the end of a Holy Year, through a stay in a desert hermitage (where he must face the darkness and drink it in), to the finding of joy in suffering – of new life in death with Christ – here the journey is laid bare in mystical detail for the soul of any other on the way.

“Greater love has no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
Jn. 15:13


About the Author

It is two years since I completed this writing, and Pentecost approaches once again.  On that day I shall finish the exposition of the readings for holy Mass (700+ pages) I undertook these two years ago.  This work, also, I hope to publish.

The work I publish here – at the same time as the lyrics for Songs for Children of Light and a book of poetry titled silence in the city – is my first.  Though I have been writing regularly for twenty years, only now do I venture into publication.  What shall come of it?  Will anyone read these lines?  I don’t know.  It is not in my hands.  I can only be obedient to the Lord’s prompting, to His cross.  (As St. Faustina, whose Diary I have eaten in the past year, has said – and Jesus has stressed to her – it is the intention that matters and not the work itself.)

And in the past month I have begun composing Chanted Verses for each of the days of Catholic Liturgy; and so another year I shall be in these rented rooms.  (And other writings come, as the sword of St. Michael stands by--)

As I find I need remarkably few hours teaching to sustain myself, more deeply do I enter into my hermit’s life, increasing practices with the passing days, and with an eye toward forming an order, if I may, dedicated to the LORD’s Divine NAME.  For this and my other writings I have developed websites.

We do not know where the Lord may lead, brothers and sisters.  Let us simply be obedient to His call, and lay down our lives for all.

June 25, 2003

 “Dear children!  Also today I call you with great joy to live my messages.  I am with you and I thank you for putting into life what I am saying to you.  I call you to renew my messages even more, with new enthusiasm and joy.  May prayer be your daily practice.  Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Our Lady Of Medugorje