Deep River Farm

by Robert F. Copeland



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/15/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 600
ISBN : 9781410773814
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 600
ISBN : 9781410773807

About the Book

Rebecca Blanton, gorgeous seductress CFO of family owned Staley Blanton Furniture, teams up with Walter Shapiro, the ruthless boss of Westbrooke Manufacturing. Shapiro plots a risky debt laden acquisition of Staley Blanton, his last desperate gamble to fend off the angry venture capitalists threatening to bankrupt Westbrooke and destroy his powerbase. Rebecca’s participation is driven by her obsession for the one man she could never seduce, CEO Mason Staley, the scion of the Staley family, an ethical man dedicated to the welfare of his community, employees, and shareholders.

Leukemia is killing children in Lynn Barstow’s neighborhood, has stolen the husband she loved and left her a childless young widow consumed with a quest for justice. Her crusade implicates Staley Blanton, jeopardizing Rebecca’s plans, endangering Lynn’s life and involving her with attorney Jack Garrett. Recovering from a recent divorce, Jack is the new head of Westbrooke’s acquisition team. Facilitating the deal for Rebecca and Shapiro will assure Jack of wealth and a phenomenal career, everything he has always wanted, but he is enraptured by Lynn’s character as well as her natural beauty.

These conflicts drive the characters perilously forward through violence, romance, tragedy and, ultimately, justice.

About the Author

Robert F. Copeland is 51, was raised in Greensboro, NC, and now resides in Atlanta. He is a businessman and entrepreneur, has been a CEO in the chemical industry, has extensive experience in the mergers and acquisitions field, and now owns a business in Atlanta. Deep River Farm is Mr. Copeland’s first novel and reflects his personal experiences in the Greensboro and Atlanta areas as well as his dealings with the corporate titans involved with the mergers game. He is presently working on his second book, a novel called Dragged Kicking and Screaming, which explores the impact of 45 years of the civil rights era on the lives of two southern families.