Lasting Impressions : Dads that Make a Difference

by Gary W. Traylor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/29/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 68
ISBN : 9781410799548

About the Book

Lasting Impressions, Dads that Make a Difference, strikes a new cord in the genre of inspirational books dealing with parenting, families and relationships.  By compiling 12 prescriptions on how dads can create lasting impressions through simple and fun techniques, the author has created a useful and fun tool to add to any father’s toolbox.  This work is an amalgamation of observations made over 30 years of dads that make a difference and how they did it.  Parenting cannot be reduced to a neat, tidy formula any more than a marriage license provides the answers to create a productive and happy married life.  However, this book is a quick read filled with brief stories, cute illustrations and methods to help dads navigate the sometimes rough waters of parenting.  Common problems encountered by families are outlined, resolutions presented and “booster shots” provided for extra help and instruction.  Family legacies can evolve through the inspirations found in this work.

About the Author

Gary Traylor has taught various parenting, family life and communication classes over the last 15 years.  He has been married 28 years and is the father of two daughters and has one grandson.  The need to help families flourish through fatherly involvement is a subject of extreme importance to the author.  Creating a happy, healthy and well-adjusted family is a passion he shares with the subjects of this book.  Previous writings have been published in various magazines where his style is brief, informative and humorous.