Flagpole Days

by Michael E. Ross



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/27/2003

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9781410779489
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9781410779472

About the Book

It’s a decade into the 21st century. Warren Graham, seeks informal asylum from America (“the untied states”). Caught up in a singular event that transforms the country, he exits a nation in chaos, a free-fire zone on the verge of ethnic war.

In his travels from London to Amsterdam to north Africa, the young photographer discovers worlds, and truths, outside his own. Warren wanders “duty free,” pleasantly adrift, taking photos of the rich and famous for the major coffeetable magazines. He’s not ready for a chance meeting with Jolie Cooper, the woman he left behind, the woman whose love he destroyed.

And he can’t be ready for a tableau of violence and murder that sweeps him into circumstances he can neither predict nor prevent. Suddenly he is forced to make choices of love, allegiance and responsibility. In the polyglot of Tangier, he must fight for a future he’d taken for granted.

About the Author

Michael E. Ross was born in Washington, D.C. and has lived in Germany, Chicago, Colorado, northern California and New York City. He has been a reporter, critic and editor at various newspapers, including The New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle. A one-time adjunct professor at the Columbia University School of Journalism, he has traveled in Europe, Morocco and the Caribbean. His reviews, fiction, essays and criticism have appeared in The New York Times, Essence, The New York Times Book Review, Emerge, Mother Jones, Entertainment Weekly,   People, the San Jose Mercury News, Konch, Salon, the San Francisco Chronicle,

Quarterly Black Review and other publications.

 He lives in the United States of America.