Animatrix-A Female Animator

How Laughter Saved My Life

by Heidi Guedel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/25/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781410776556
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781410776549

About the Book

What kind of childhood experiences helped Heidi to become a successful Disney Animator?

WHO Inspired her?

WHY did she become such a PRANKSTER?

What challenges did she face as a young woman striving to become an Animator at Walt Disney Productions in the 1970's?

What was studio life REALLY like???

What outrageous and hilarious things did Heidi and the other young Animators DO while they worked for Disney?

Why did Heidi and fifteen other gifted young Animators all walk out of Walt Disney Productions to make The Secret of NIMH?!


ANM8RX, A Female Animator, tells you all about it with unflinching honesty and humor.

About the Author

Heidi B. Guedel is the adopted child of John B. Guedel, radio and television producer of Art Linkletter’s House Party, People Are Funny, and Groucho Marx’s You Bet Your Life. John's first wife, Beth Pingree Guedel, was Heidi’s adoptive mother. She has one adopted brother, John K. Guedel, three years her senior. Sadly, their early family life was marred by violence, alcoholism, and rejection. But early on, Heidi learned to make boisterous fun of people and circumstances that threatened her! And there were several special adults who offered her the kind of love and encouragement she craved.

Heidi was assigned a home tutor for three years. During this time she was also sent to a child psychologist specializing in play therapy. After Heidi greatly improved, her psychologist recommended a private school specializing in troubled children. There, Heidi progressed beautifully - reading and writing at the Twelfth Grade level by the time she completed the Seventh Grade. Next, Heidi attended Beverly Hills High School, where she excelled in art classes. She and her best friends engaged in much imaginative and outrageous mischief to blow off steam. The panacea of laughter became well established!

After High School, Heidi attended Chouinard Art Institute, which became California Institute of the Arts. She majored in Animation, and minored in mischief. After graduation, Heidi secured a position at Walt Disney Productions in 1972, where she progressed up the ranks while engaging in much more mischief. She was one of the first women promoted to Animator at Disney in 1978; having worked on Robin Hood, The Rescuers, Pete’s Dragon, and The Small One. She'd begun work on The Fox and the Hound, when, in 1979, Heidi Guedel and 15 other Disney animators left Disney Studios to work with Don Bluth on The Secret of NIMH. At Bluth, she also worked on An American Tail, and Dragon’s Lair, the first fully animated video arcade game. In 1983, Heidi Guedel was sponsored for membership in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. (There, her mischief is confined to voting for the Academy Awards!)

After Don Bluth moved his animation studio to Ireland, Heidi elected to remain in America. She learned to use the personal computer, and created free-lance animation for many computer games and educational projects. In 1989 Heidi moved to Ojai, California and continued to do free-lance animation using her computers. It was in Ojai that she met her husband, Gregory.

In 1995, Heidi animated for Warner Brothers Feature Animation, earning screen credits on Space Jam and Quest for Camelot. After a Warner Brothers layoff, Heidi and her husband moved to Florida, where she had found her birth siblings and had a touching reunion with her welcoming biological family! Heidi is now mischievously writing her hilarious and tell-all memoirs.

ANM8RX, A Female Animator, How Laughter Saved My Life, is unflinchingly honest, soul-searching, funny, insightful, and, above all, a great story!