Walleye: Where to... When to... What to expect...

A Guide to Michigan's Walleye Waters

by Chuck Stafford



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/18/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781410789129

About the Book

“WALLEYE: A guide to Michigan’s walleye waters,” explores the top walleye fisheries in Michigan.

The author discusses these waters, how to fish for walleye, what to look for, and the best opportunities to fish for walleye.

Chapters include tips specifically for the lakes, rivers and impoundments, lists of accesses, and general and specific information to help you decide when and where to fish. The author also discusses the management efforts used to keep walleye a major sport fish in Michigan’s future.

Many books are written about fishing - the “how-to-do-it” kind - focusing on various species, offering tips on the best tackle to use, as well as fishing techniques. However, few books focus on the quality of walleye fisheries.

It is as comprehensive as possible, with an in-depth listing of walleye fishing prospects that exist in Michigan, including information on nearly 500 walleye lakes, rivers and impoundments.

This book is to serve those who desire to walleye fish, and give them information as to where and what to expect during those opportunities. Every effort has been made to provide accurate data regarding locations and conditions.

About the Author

He has been an accomplished outdoor writer and photographer for 35 years.  His informative and entertaining stories have appeared in several national and regional outdoor publications.

His romance with angling began at a young age while fishing with his father.  He is credited for his research and eventual establishment of a walleye fishery for Hart Lake, at Hart, Michigan.  He serves on the Mason County Walleye Association Board of Director’s, which is involved in raising walleye fingerlings for Michigan’s lakes.

His cumulative insight about walleye has given him a lasting gift of incredible understanding about the ways of the walleye, while showing a strong respect for the species and ethics of fishing for them.  He is presently a walleye guide.