It's a Long Way to Go

The Memoirs of Francis E. Miller, Belmont County, Ohio

by Thomas E. Grove



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/30/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781418432263
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781418462567

About the Book

Francis E. Miller began his memoirs at the age of 77, several years after his retirement. Born in 1909 in Belmont County, Ohio, his life spanned the 20th Century. At fifteen, he left Barnesville, Ohio for the big city, Canton, Ohio. His memoirs record his struggles and triumphs and provide insights into the times he experienced. This is the story of a not so common man, but a story similar to many of his generation. He wrote of his childhood, his lifelong fascination with automobiles, courtship, marriage, family, work and career experiences, his bout with throat cancer and subsequent laryngectomy, and finally retirement. His insights and experiences reflect the man he was and the nature of life in the 20th Century.

About the Author

Thomas E. Grove is the grandson of Francis Miller. An independent researcher and organizational consultant, he holds a Ph.D. in archaeology and degrees in sociology, education, and organizational development. His major interests are paleoindian archaeology, the history of Ohio, and historic preservation. He lives in Canton, Ohio with his spouse Geri.