
Journey's End

by Crystal Jacobs Garza



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/12/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781418446161

About the Book

If you enjoy reading a action, adventure, love story, you will take delight in this book. This is a tale of Romeo and Juliet set in the latter part of the Civil War. Rob is a dedicated and brave Union soldier. Julianna is a strong willed tomboy who is fighting to preserve the Confederacy.

Despite their differences, these two reunited childhood friends share two things in common, their never ending love for each other and the city of Savannah. Rob is marching under General Sherman, who longs to capture Savannah. Julianna stands behind the walls of a fortress, outnumbered and willing to place her life on the line to defend Savannah. Who will be left standing?

About the Author

Crystal spent most of her life in Kansas City. Despite the challenges of having moderate Cerebral Palsy, Learning Disabilities, and childhood Epilepsy, she has always enjoyed writing stories in school. She has won both speech and art contests. She takes pleasure in reading and attending Shakespeare plays.

In 1992, after viewing a bad performance of an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, she was inspired to write this book.

Crystal currently resides in Austin, TX with her husband, and three cats.