Frederick's Journal

by Frederick W. Sims



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/6/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781418420079

About the Book

Note:  The foregoing has been typed from the original hand written Journal of Frederick W. Sims, spelling and punctuation only have been changed.  The original copy owned by Everett E. Sims, son of Frederick W. Sims.


Fredrick W. Sims

I found this journal among papers and other things left by my late father, Sidney G. Sims.  The journal was transcribed from Fredrick W. Sims’ hand written notes; my grandfather, Everett E. Sims, did this.  The original hand written journal is not to be found.  When I read the neatly typed onion skinned pages, I was in awe.  I had no idea the journal existed, or that my great grandfather was anything other than the average nineteenth century citizen that you never hear of.  At this point I felt compelled to do something with these stories.  I have no idea if there are any revelations exposed here.  I really don’t care about that.  I knew that there had to be a place for this journal to be viewed.  I chose the publishing industry for this purpose.  1st Books was a big help in my decision.  I hope you enjoy this book.  I’m proud of my great grandfathers service to his country, as I am of my fathers World War 2 service and my own military service.  Sidney E. Sims, a proud great grandson. 


About the Author

My name is Frederick W. Sims.  I was born in Utica, New York, July 25, 1843.  I enlisted in Co. E 92nd Regiment, Illinois, August 14, 1862 (Volunteer) at Polo, Illinois and served for three years.  Was discharged in Chicago, Illinois July 7, 1865.  My pension certificate No. is 795336.  I was married to Eva E. Wilcox, September 22nd, 1873, she died in Des Moines, Iowa, July 10, 1888.

My father’s name was David Sims.  He was born in England.  He died in Utica, New York at the age of 32 years.  My mother’s name before her marriage was Hanna Ashforth.  She was married to David Sims in Oneida County, New York.  Her father’s name was George Ashforth.  Her mother’s name was Ward.

I was married to my present wife, June 1st, 1898 at Springdale, Arkansas.  Her former name was Ida M. Pugh.  Her father’s name was Christopher Pugh, her mother’s name was Margaret McLaughlin.

I have received pension at Des Moines, Iowa and Springdale, Arkansas, Nevada, Missouri, Colfax, Iowa, Garnett, Kansas and Corning.