The Street Games of 153rd St., Flushing, Queens, NY

by Spencer W. Davis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/9/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781410798947

About the Book

This game book highlights some of the games we played as kids to pass time on a summer day or after school.  We didn’t have a T.V. or any of the expensive toys kids have today.  We were happy with a broom handle and a ball.  After you read the book you may wish to go outside and play some of the street games we played as kids.  Your grandfather played some of these games – ask him.  Maybe you can play some of his games – just ask him – then enjoy the games.  Remember you have to call “Moonies Up” before the game starts.

About the Author

Grew up in Queens, New York.  Late 1940’s early 50’s we played street games to pass time especially during the summer months.  We used the street as our “field”, car fenders as bases and broom handles as bats.  We made up the rules chipped in money to buy the bat and ball and shared our soda and ice cream.  We all had our heroes of that time and we all played hard, ever day, like our “heroes” did.  We were Yankee fans, N.Y. Giants fans and of course Brooklyn Dodger fans.