Sex, The Ring and The Eucharist

Reflections on Life, Ministry & fighting in the inner-city

by Rev. David B. Smith (The 'Fighting Father')



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/4/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781414009933

About the Book

Father Dave is a man who is as unconventional as he is remarkable.  He is the only Australian in Holy Orders to have ever boxed professionally to help raise money to keep his ministry going.  He is Sydney’s ‘Fighting Father’, who combines his regular work as a Parish Priest with a ministry to streets kids, heroin addicts and other undesirables from the underside of Australian society.

‘Sex, the Ring and the Eucharist’ is a series of snapshots from Father Dave’s life.  The book, like the author is hard-hitting and straight talking.  The language will shock some.  Others will be put off by Dave’s criticism of the established church and the legal system that is, at points, quite savage.  And yet there is a pervading sense of faith and hope running through this book that is inescapable and infectious. 

‘Sex, the Ring and the Eucharist’ is an intimate insight into one man’s life that has the potential to change the lives of its readers.

About the Author

Father Dave is an unusual man.  With three university degrees and a total of eight black belts in the Martial Arts to his name, he is the only Australian in holy orders either to have fought for a kickboxing title or to have boxed professionally. 

Dave has been the Anglican Parish Priest of Dulwich Hill, in Sydney’s inner-West, for nearly 13 years now, where he also runs ‘Father Dave’s Fight Club’ three nights per week.  He has received numerous community awards and constant media attention for his work among disadvantaged young people.  In 1996 the media dubbed him ‘the Fighting Father’.

Dave is married to Ange.  They have three children: Veronica, Imogen and Soren Lee.