The Adventures of Katie Ladybug

by Anne Nikovics



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/28/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781418439972
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781418440022

About the Book

Katie is a young, curious Seven Spotted Ladybug who lives in a polka-dot house on the edge of the forest together with her little friends.  Ildi Honeybee, her wise  and best friend tries to teach her about life, but Katie has to discover for herself how noble and enriching it can be to help the needy. As she goes through many exciting adventures she comes to realize the value of a true friendship.

The Adventures of Katie Ladybug is an inspiring book of stories, which focus on loving others and helping the needy. It teaches children to find beauty and joy in doing good and noble acts of kindness while also teaching them to reject violence.  By the and of this gentle, humorous book children will be able to share with Katie an understanding of the importance of learning.

This book is directed towards young readers, as well as parents, who have high standards for what their children read. In the world of children's literarure, where violence seems to be ever more present, The Adventures of Katie Ladybug is a light, spiritually uplifting and enjoyable book.  

About the Author

Anne Nikovics is an American Hungarian author. Through her experiences as an elementary school teacher she become familiar with the interest and thought patterns of young readers. Little animals of the forest are enchanting to young children; that is what the author effectively draws upon in creating this lovely and enjoyable book. The purpose of this book is to show young children that it is a kind and generous heart, treating others with love and respect, rather than using violence, which brings honor and respect to a person's life.

Experiences and ideas gathered from the beauty of nature and its little creatures gave birth to Katie, the Seven Spotted Ladybug. The Adventures of Katie Ladybug was originally written in Hungarian and was published in Hungary in 2003.