of Kings and Conquerors

by J. Colman McMillan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/2/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 588
ISBN : 9781414011516

About the Book

THE INTERIM KING – Of Kings and Conquerors is the story of history’s closest parallel to John Kennedy, Harold II, the last Saxon King of England.  Being a skilled politician as well as a military hero, Harold was elected to the throne upon the death of King Edward ‘the Confessor.’  In doing so, he had to force his brother, Tostig, into exile. He also pledged marriage to three different women and broke a solemn vow made to Duke William of Normandy. After his coronation, Harold consolidated his position by marrying the sister of rival earls, Edwin and Morcar Aelfgarson, yet in doing so, he dashed any chance of making peace with either Tostig or William.  Just as the situation in the 1960’s was predicated upon the conclusions of World War II, the situation in England in the 1060’s was greatly influenced by the conclusions of the Danish Wars of the previous generation.  Similar to the confrontation faced by John Kennedy over the Cuban Missile Crisis, Harold confronted and bested the greatest military power of his day.  His victory was short lived though, as barely two weeks later, a second challenger landed in England to press his claim to the throne.

About the Author

J. Colman McMillan is a fifth generation American.  During high school, Colman developed a strong passion for history, particularly the Viking Age and Norman Conquest of England.  Upon leaving high school, he studied engineering and later worked in the Oil and Gas Industry, where he traveled extensively and lived as an expatriate in Kuwait, Algeria, Indonesia, Australia and the UK.  Places of historical significance were always a must stop during his many travels.  He has written numerous technical articles and authored the game design, WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR - 1066, published by TSR.  Colman now resides in Magnolia, Texas, a suburb of Houston, with his wife and three daughters, where he is working on numerous other historical fiction projects