Book Details
About the Book
“Contradiction after contradiction, said the man, the Bible is full of them.” I wondered what Bible he was reading. Most apparent paradoxes resolve themselves with careful study and research. I love the old book, it is my God, speaking to me. Oh, there are love stories that would make a romance novelist author blush and tales of extra-terrestrials that surpass the fiction of television and movie space travel.
There are also truths about how to enjoy life and how to live it to the fullest. I’ve spent many years in the book and I hope to spend more. For forty years I’ve studied the end days and what we are to expect in the future! A short course in what heaven is like and the condition of today’s churches is included in this book. Warning, not all churches will be automatically represented in heaven.
When I was born, there were less than two billion people on this earth, now, there are more than seven billion. The earth can’t hold many more. Despite wars, that kill many, and crop failures the population growth soars. The earth’s population is soon to peak. Soon, the end will come.
About the Author
Maury Johnson fancies himself as a hometown humorist and poor man’s philosopher. He began his Musings as a mini-lesson for his church’s newsletter in 1984. The Musings are now a staple in other newsletters. The other chapters, Seven Churches, Heavenly Days and Future History, are a result of his 40 years of end-days prophesy study.
Most of his workaday world was spent in the engineering fields and as a technical writer-photographer for audio-visual films for under-water weaponry. Nearly all of it was for the U.S. Navy. You won’t find any church-speak because he dislikes jargon with a purple passion.
Maury is a veteran of World War
II where he served as a gunner in B17 Flying Fortresses in the air over
He and Happy-Toes pledged their
troth in 1944. She says it was September
5th and he says the 7th, so they celebrate on different
days to the amusement of the four kids, ten grandchildren and four
great-grandkids. The family is extremely
close and all except two grandchildren live in the same county. Many donate times as a Senior Volunteer
Policeman in his hometown of
Although Maury wrote short story humor at one time, he now does his writing for the Lord.