Comes Rushing Like A Raging Fire

by Rick W. White



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/2/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781418459482

About the Book

Readers of this book, focusing on an American Biblical archeological expedition, will be exposed to evidence that the characters of the book, started the six day war!

About the Author

Every detail in this white knuckle Christian adventure novel, every Egyptian word, every detail of the Biblical archeology, every Egyptian custom reported on, details of American M60 tank operation, and the details of the six day war, are accurate in every detail. The author schools readers upon “Public Ethics” @ the novel conclusion! The author writes only on subjects that he has experience in, or expertise on. The author has a near scholarly aptitude for Biblical archeology, he is an amateur herpetologist, (bit by rattlesnakes 3 times!), and the author has owned a hard rock mine, that opened before the turnoff the last century. The author is the grand son Mattie Moon, a Chippewa American Indian, a licensed construction general engineer, worked for many years in the Anza Borrego Desert, and he has owned a horse stable, and has been a student of Tang Soo Do, for many years. The author, describes the novel as “My gift to God,” on the first page, lives in El Cajon, Cal., with his grown children, 8 grand children.