by Ronald W. Barrett



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/17/2004

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781414017402

About the Book

Jack Bonesly, a man who fought the system for some closure on his son’s death.  Got nowhere except deeper in a fixed system.  Even jailed for a year.  After twenty years, without a sound from the father, Jack.  The father of the little boy who perished in that fire, that night.  The fire took place in Jacks home while away out of state on a business deal.

Twenty years go by before the revenge occurs in a remote part of the Northeast Coast of New England.

Each who had a hand in the fire that night, who lived and lives off of little Jack’s death, will be prosecuted above and beyond the laws.  Justice will finally be served on all who commits crimes against young people.  Seven young adults plus little Jack was in that home that night.  Two adults died and little Jack in that fire on that night.

Five people live without the guilt, but Jack Bonesly goes on a revenge hunting trip.

About the Author

Ronald Barrett is a bounty hunter living in the remote area of South Paris, Maine.  Wrote a couple of children’s books.  Decided to write what the public wants.  Mystery, suspense books.