True Convictions

A Book That Changes Lives

by Howard K. Morgan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/18/2003

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9781414022352
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9781414022345
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9781414022338

About the Book

Howard K. Morgan has been in jail, homeless, divorced, addicted to pornography, a shoplifter, a compulsive overeater and a lifetime student of the Bible.

But fortunately, this book isn’t about him. It’s about an unemployed, homeless, itinerant preacher who was executed as a common criminal close to 2000 years ago.

True Convictions answers the questions most of us have asked at one time or another. These aren’t the pat, textbook answers you might learn in a seminary, these are real, practical applications gleaned by a man whose life really was transformed by Jesus Christ.

About the Author

Howard K. Morgan grew up in the Dominican Republic where his father was a missionary. His childhood memories include being held prisoner, with his mother and sister, during a war in 1965, which led to an escape that can only be described as miraculous. He grew up watching his father risk his life regularly to preach the gospel, and remembers the disappointment he felt when he came back to America to find a church where faith, love, joy and peace were little more than “theological concepts”. He abandoned Christianity and tried “doing his own thing”. It didn’t take long for him to find himself in jail for writing bad checks and in a failed marriage.


Most of his learning came the hard way, but now, in this book, Howard tries to share some powerful insights into Godliness and Spiritual maturity that can only be taught by life. Christians and Non Christians alike will benefit from this book that begins by answering the questions that keep us from trusting God and then guides the reader along the path of using those answers to develop True Convictions.