The Tic Toc Murders

by Ralph D. Filice



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/22/2004

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781418490386
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781418490393

About the Book

Detective Hal Warner thought he had pretty much seen it all, until he received an odd, but deadly poem.  The person writing the prose foretold the murders he was going to commit.  Hal at first thought it was a joke, but then the first gruesome murder happened.  He and his partner, Janie Platt, had never seen anything like it.  The killer was not only sadistic, but he was also very meticulous.  He never left a clue.  Every time Hal received a new poem in his desk in-box warning of another murder, the killer would make good on his claim.  Hal did everything he could to draw the murderer out, but was thwarted at every step.  Each murder out does the previous one in its gruesomeness.  The killer becomes more and more bold, taunting Hal the whole way.  The tension and drama continues to build until it reaches it’s final, surprising climax.

About the Author

Ralph D. Filice was born and raised in Gilroy, CA.  He was the second son in an Italian family.  He went on to become a dentist.  After school, he spent two years as an army dentist at Fort Knox, KY.  He met and married his wife there.  They were blessed with three wonderful children.  Ralph had a private dental practice for 30 years in Moraga, CA.  He then retired and went on to become an actor and now does stage plays and independent films.  This is first book and he thoroughly loved the experience of writing.  Mystery novels have always been his favorite, so he decided to add his own to this genre.  He hopes to continue writing more in the future.