The Dirty Thirty

by Richard W. Hudson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/4/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 464
ISBN : 9781434306197
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 464
ISBN : 9781434306173
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 464
ISBN : 9781434306180

About the Book

Imagine being just twenty-one, thirteen thousand miles from home in a strange country where the inhabitants want to kill you! Envision living in mud, eating food packed in 1941, witnessing hostilities from your enemies and among your friends. ‘The Dirty Thirty’ explains life as it was as a Gun-Bunny, a trucker, a thief and a soldier in the jungles and towns of South Vietnam Live as a draftee lived among the diversity of an army of draftees.  The odd and endearing characters of ‘The Dirty Thirty’ and the strict ‘military minds’ of the Lifers, will give you a glimpse of the real Vietnam experience. Jolt at the realization that the NVA was not an ‘Evil Empire’, but a military force with a ‘cause’ and a heartfelt dedication among its soldiers.  Be sad at the plights of individual U.S. soldiers at the mercy of the ‘Military Machine’. Be proud of the sacrifices made by the men and women of both sides during the 10,000 Day War.

‘The Dirty Thirty’ gives a day to day account of what life was really like on the fire bases in the jungles and hills of Vietnam and Cambodia in 1969-1970.

About the Author

Upon returning to his hometown in 1970, Richard (no longer a Mouse) Hudson resumed his musical career while attending the University of Kentucky. He soon renewed an acquaintance with Shirley, a friend and fellow musician he knew before he went to Vietnam. They married in 1972.

After living out of state for several years, the Hudsons moved back to Kentucky to be near their families. They still reside in Lexington where they run their own businesses and play bluegrass music with friends.

Richard’s sense of right and wrong, his ability to relate and identify with people in all walks of life and his general zest for life, he attributes to his brief military service in Vietnam.