When Real Men Meet (Cognitive Behavior Therapy)

Ten Session Support Recovery Work

by Iran D. Yarbrough



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/5/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781414026596

About the Book

This is a Ten Session Cognitive Behavior Therapy Support Recovery Workbook designed to help clients identify their shortcomings and established a goal plan through group sessions, role-playing and a personal journal to reflect on who participates in his own treatment along with caring staff.  The client will become a part of a support system when he forms a bond with others (2-10) members he will be able to call when he find himself in an uncompromising position in life.  Now, he will have from 2 to 9 more peers for support when these sessions and the bond will host a life time.  Life is worth living.

In the beginning the client identify the need for a change in session I testimony.  Evaluate and assess 1 plan cause of action.  Self esteem will be raised, anger will become manageable by applying the (A, B, C’s) of anger management.  The client will be encouraged to move from a lifestyle of having no honor to man of honor.  Client will achieve this by restoring broken relationships by making amends when possible and possible for client and victims of a misbehaving mishaps.  Client will be able to develop his own personal relapse prevention when he focus on triggers (The areas, people, places and things) that may cause a breakdown in his society or escape from the criminal elements in which he continues a life of crime.

About the Author

The author is a graduate from the University of Tennessee at Martin where he obtain a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Minor Psychology.  He has ten plus years of experience working in a residential substance abuse program at the Shelby County Division of Corrections.  He is an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He is an associate minister of the Union Grove M.B. Church located in Memphis, TN under the pastoral leadership of Pastor J.W. Jones.  He currently seeking his license in alcohol and drugs.  He has been trained as a MRT facilitator , Domestic Violence and anger management.  He has worked in the Shelby County Schools system for 6 yrs.  1 yr as a social worker.