The Confessions of a Civil War Reenactor Volume One: 1978-1987

by Robert W. Talbott



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/14/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781414048932

About the Book

CHIN MUSIC: A 19th Century term to describe the act of talking too much, as in babbling.
GREYHOUND: A member of Dickson Stauffer's Missouri Foot Cavalry of the early 1980's.

This memoir is from a middle-aged Missourian who was part of the strange, yet fascinating world of Civil War Reenacting.  In Chin Music From A Greyhound, Robert tells of his first taste of black powder, “seeing the elephant”, fighting heat, rain, cold, mud, politics, movie stars, and live fire.  From events of the “dog and pony show” variety to huge 125th anniversary spectaculars involving thousands of participants, Robert has the inside “skinny” on the hobby (as he saw it) with plenty of behind the scenes humor to tickle the funny bone.

About the Author

The author writes about things that seem so absurd one would assume it to be a work of fiction, but Robert Talbott claims it’s all true. As a Civil War Reenactor for over 20 years, Robert has gone to reenactments that have drawn either several thousand participants or only a dozen. For Robert, reenacting has been a chance to discover new friends, and learn a little about history. During this period of discovery, Robert reasoned that a story needed to be told. Like the combat soldier who writes about his wartime experiences, a reenactor also has a unique story to tell. One that might even make RIPLEY believe it or not!