Of Time and Eternity

The Diary of a Clergyman of Our Time

by Benjamin W. Farley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/8/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781414056326
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781414056333

About the Book

           Set in Tide water Virginia in the early 1970s, Of Time and Eternity unfolds with artistic resonance and gripping realism.  Across a period of three seasons, Farley traces the story of David Kirk (a Protestant minister), whose diary records the minister’s private thoughts and daily events that consume his days.  Uppermost, Kirk’s diary records his evolving love for one of his parishioners, an artist and assistant director of a gallery in nearby Norfolk.  Suzanne, lonely and attractive, has equally fallen in love with David.  Soon their counseling sessions lead to her home in the quiet countryside, where their yearning for each other develops in earnest.  How to reconcile the affair with his genuine love for Joan, his wife, rises constantly as a whisper in the silence of his troubled heart.

           Both enriching and complicating the story are David’s other commitments: to a fellow minister, who struggles with his calling in search of a more honest career; to Rheba, a black woman whose son David has pledged to help; to his congregation, whom he seeks to guide and inspire in spite of his own crisis.

           Hardly a “preachy” book, Of Time and Eternity is a story of high literary quality, engaging dialogue and drama, self-discovery and redemption at the profoundest levels of the heart.

About the Author

Benjamin W. Farley was born in the Philippine Islands but grew up on farms in southwest Virginia.  He is a graduate of Davidson College and received his master’s degree and doctorate of philosophy from Union Theological Seminary in Virginia.  Farley was Yount’s Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Erskine College from 1974-2000.  Since retiring, Farley has served as an adjunct professor at Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC.

In addition to Of Time and Eternity, Farley is the author of Corbin’s Rubi-Yacht, a novel of romance and adventure, and two collections of short stories: Mercy Road and The Hero of St. Lo.  His short story “Lyda’s Anemones,” published in 1990, was nominated for a Pushcart Press Literary Award.