Saved but Not A Christian

by Jackie Pittman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/2/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781418424336

About the Book

This book attempts to change the world view of Christianity and the mindset of Christians as a whole.  It’s time to bring a  much-needed revolutionary change to the church’s perception of being a Christian.  The born-again experience begins the process of becoming a Christian.

Saved, but not a Christian guides the believer into spiritual maturity and growth and compassionately disciples both leaders and new converts into a meaningful relationship in the family of God.

About the Author

He is happily married to Lynn Boles Pittman and is father to four great kids.  He has been involved in some type of ministry most of his life: as a prison and children’s minister and as a praise and worship music leader.