Hosting the Holy One

Learning How to Welcome God's Presence

by Keith W. Linkous



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/19/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781418411480

About the Book

Does the Spirit level in your church often vary from service to service or from week to week? Are you tired of church as usual? Are you sick of stagnation, and ready for saturation?

Then get ready. This book will show you how the key to maintaining the Spiritual climate in your church and in your life can be traced back to the Old Testament, drawing parallels and principles from the Ark of the Covenant and Mercy Seat, and applying them to present day life.

You will discover the ingredients needed to create a dwelling place for the Lord to abide among His people by learning to be a “host of the Holy One”. Move beyond the visitation of His Spirit to the habitation of His Presence!

Get ready to be challenged and changed in your thinking as to the importance of a pure life, of unity in the Body of Christ, and of the need for humility in the heart of every believer. Prepare to be brought back to the Cross of Christ, to the flow of His Blood, and to be inspired to pursue the Holy One as you never have before!

Get ready for God!

About the Author

Keith W. Linkous has a passion for two things: First, to experience the Presence of God, and secondly, to proclaim the Truth of the Word of the Lord in uncompromising fashion.

He understands his calling to be a watchman of the Lord’s house, who hears God’s Word, and then warns the people with power and passion.

The author is the “voice of one crying” in the wilderness of our world, saying, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord; make his paths straight” (Matthew 3:3).

As a Pastor and an Ordained Minister of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, Keith lives in Princeton, West Virginia with his wife, Winona.