
All About Heaven

by Dee Coleman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/16/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781414052175

About the Book

This is a book about many things we have always wondered about Heaven. After my husband died, he returned to me after a little over nine months. We learned to communicate and he conveyed to me that I had been requested to write a book about the things he had seen, heard and experienced during the time he had been there. I became fascinated with the information.

I have double-checked the information he gave me as closely as possible by asking him quite often if I had it right. Some of the information here has been debated by theologians and scholars for centuries. I believe that God thinks it is time we are ready to be more informed about the hereafter than people have been in the past. Here are answers to some interesting questions: Do children grow up in Heaven or remain children or babies? What happens to miscarriages? Abortions? Is there sex in Heaven? Is there a real physical Hell? Will we recognize our loved ones? Can people in Heaven (our loved ones) see what is going on here? This is the first question everyone thinks of to ask when queried.

Learn how beautiful the religious facilities are and the kinds of homes we will have in Heaven, and where the mansions and streets of gold are located, and where Hell is located.

About the Author

Dee has never before written a book for publication. She is retired now and is finally fulfilling a dream. While she was working, editing and proofreading for others, and composing reports and correspondence for her boss, she wanted to write something herself. There was never enough time.

She is mostly self-taught, except for Business College training and numerous college courses, locally and by correspondence, during her working years. There was never time or money to complete a degree. Later there was money, but she was helping her children - two at a time -- finance their college educations.

A very important personage in Heaven sent her a message by her husband requesting she write this book. She felt it so important that she must do so!