Not Just Another Bible Story

by Adele W. Higier



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/16/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781418420376

About the Book

The book of Genesis contains fifty chapters.  You will find problems and situations behind these stories.  This book is designed to help preteens, teens, and parents.  The parents will have the means of helping his or her child to understand what the book of Genesis is all about.

The reader will learn about adultery, fornication, uncleanness, and lewdness.  These are called sex sins.  Next we have envy, murder, drunkenness and reveling which are called social sins.

About the Author

Adele W. Higier was born in Washington, D.C.  She attended the Lutheran (Concordia) Church and taught Sunday School for 15yrs.  In 1972 She moved to Maryland, and later joined the National Church of God.

Adele volunteers as a greeter of the Church.  She attended the Institute of Children’s Literature, and received her diploma in 1996.