''Being Black''

At The Sharp Point

by Charles W. Sharp Jr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/18/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781414054278
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781414054285

About the Book

My book is an autobiography of my life. It shows the up and downs of the Black Man living in a society in which he really has no great impact on his way of living, outside of getting an education, and trying to be an upright man. There were some good and bad times in my life, some of which I had no control over, some of which I regret making the wrong choices.

I would like the young readers to understand that there are many obstacles placed in your way on the road from young man to adulthood. It is up to them to make the choices in their life that will set them apart from the average Black Man in America today. We have been stigmatized and harassed over the years, but we must be able to stand tall and hold our heads high.

Bring your children up instilling in them right from wrong, and let them know they can make a difference in this world today.

The book shows the good times, many bad times and the will I had to be a good American, and man overall.

Funny – Sad – Loveable


About the Author

He is a US Army veteran who served in Vietnam receiving the Purple Heart and Bronze Star for combat actions. He is a 1973 graduate of the University of Maryland receiving a degree in Accounting. He is a Life Member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, and Disabled American Veterans, Life member of Veterans of Foreign Wars. Member of American Legion, Combat Infantry Association, 101st Airborne Association, Vietnam Veterans of America. He is a member of Iva Lodge 408 Prince Hall Affiliation of Free and Accepted Masons 32. Temple 84 of Shriners Prince Hall