The Power of Love

Living From Our Hearts

by Beth Fortman-Brand



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/10/2004

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781414065045
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781414065038
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781414065052

About the Book

The Power of Love, Living From Our Hearts is the first in a series of books designed to elevate an individual into a state of awareness.  It is a transformational process of our choosing to use our conscious awareness in each moment to come from love instead of fear.

The purpose of this book is to assist in remembering the truth of our magnificence.  This process occurs by becoming self-realized:  The self-realization that we create our reality through our thoughts, words, and actions.  When our mental, emotional, and physical bodies align with unlimited love, there is no lack or self-imposed limitations.  Everything is possible.  The function of this book is to provide spiritual information with effective practical tools. The information demonstrates how to integrate a spiritual life style within a successful current reality.  It bridges the gap between religious and non-religious individuals.

This book contains seven Universal Truths and several practical tools successfully applied by many clients, family members and other professionals, along with my personal journey of self-discovery.  Tremendous wisdom is gained learning from many of life’s challenges, such as morbid obesity (weighing at one point 428 lbs.), financial bankruptcy, childrearing as a result of sibling death, and divorce.

About the Author

Beth Fortman-Brand is a Transformational Intuitive Facilitator for personal and corporate clients nationwide.  She received her B.S. degree in Sociology from UCLA in 1986, with an emphasis on social programs, social policies and psychology.  She has studied and taught behavioral science for 25 years. 

As a successful financial consultant and business owner, Beth was recognized in “Who’s Who in Top Female Executives” in 1989.

Beth’s intuitive and psychic skills and intriguing career and life transitions have led her to share her transformational experiences with others.  “The Power of Love, Living From Our Hearts”, is her first book.  Beth lives in Wood Ranch, California with her husband, Doug Brand.